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Hey everyone!

I was taking out the trash this morning—that’s when I do my best thinking lol, and had a super quick idea on how to easily use our software for Lead Scoring. We have had requests before to add functionality for this to our product, but I think there’s already a quick and insightful way to get you there with your current implementation.

So, here’s what I’ve been thinking to solve this:

What if we use any actions users perform in your product and attribute a score to them. Example: every time a user logs in to your app, we give them 10 points. Whenever they activate a new feature in a trial, we give them 25.

There’s no standard way to create an overview based on ruling like this, but we can solve that using custom formulas:


Count of ‘App opens’ * 10


Applying this formula and adding it to a custom report would give us a real-time count of accounts with the most opens and thus highest score. If we then add a timeframe to the report, we could run this monthly and thus dedicate your full attention to the most engaged users every month.

I hope this is of use to anyone!

- Frank

This is super Helpful !!!
