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Have you or your users come across these error messages? validation.user_register.ratelimit or validation.user_login.ratelimit.

This is due to our rate limiting feature being applied when specific users or actions exceed a defined limit. We've developed the following rate limits:

  • Limit on failed registration: visitors from one IP cannot attempt more than 5 tries per hour when registering a user
  • Limit on failed login: visitors from one IP cannot attempt more than 5 tries per hour when trying to login as a user

❔You don't want this limit in your instance? No problem, just drop us a line at and we can disable it for you. 

❔The phrase is not shown correctly? If the errors are shown as validation.user_register.ratelimit or validation.user_login.ratelimit, it can be confusing for users to figure our what is going on. You can easily change them by adding the following phrases in the control environment of your community: 

  • Module: Common, Key: validation.user_login.ratelimit
  • Module: Common, Key: validation.user_register.ratelimit

- Frank

Thanks for sharing details regarding registration and login rate limit. This is super helpful !!
