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And what a sprint it was! Pfew! Made it! Let’s discuss the updates to our platform, shall we?

What’s new in V6.543:

Team notes in action
  1. We added the possibility to add team notes to reports. This was actually suggested by @Josephine right here on the community (original thread). It’s awesome to see these great feature ideas come from our users, be sure to keep them coming! Check out the KB article below



Bug fixes:

  1. Apparently it wasn’t possible for parents to log in during the weekend due to a malfunction with the ‘parental control’ settings. We’re sorry for the children, but we’ve resolved the bug and weekend-use is enabled again!
  2. Some server had been buggy for a while, we unplugged them and reconnected the power afterwards---fixed!
  3. Some users notified us of 404 pages coming up in control. We checked everything, but haven’t been able to reproduce and nor have the users in question. Stay vigilant, though!

Not too bad this week!

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