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Read me first if you got a need for a feature that is currently not offered or a feedback regarding the way things work, you can submit an idea.


Create an Idea

If you cannot find an existing Idea or Discussion that’s related to your topic, then select ‘Create an idea’ on the Ideas landing page.

An Ideal Idea format:

Title: The high level objective of your Idea. 

Description: Details should clearly define your Requirements. Make sure to include:

  • A clearly defined use case or business problem that is not met with current functionality.
  • For enhancement requests, provide detailed requirements for the functionality that you’re seeking.
  • You can include links to related ideas/docs to explain why existing functionality does not meet your needs.
  • Be detailed, illustrate if you can to bring out all the components. Make sure you are using all the Product area/module names
  • Highlight the value this feature would bring for the broader community of users like you

Product area: Select the Feature you want to Submit under from the Product Area dropdown and click submit

Tags: contribute greatly to findablility so make sure you fill out all the keywords and phrases as tags to your post

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